Estate Planning,

Bankruptcy, and Family Law Attorney

Family Law Attorney in Flagstaff, AZ


Our family law attorney strives to provide ethical and aggressive legal representation while being conscious of the financial constraints of our clients. We understand that anytime a client hires a family law attorney, the client is already under a significant amount of stress. Our lawyer endeavors not to add to the client’s stress, but rather, to guide the client through the legal process to the best result available for the client. No matter what type of legal issue you may be facing, having an experienced and strategic family law lawyer on your side helps ensure that your interests and your rights are protected.

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Family Law Attorney

Family Law Attorney Near You

Our Family Law Attorney in Flagstaff, Arizona, consistently helps clients achieve their desired goals. Everyone who is working through family law matters has different priorities; whether you are in danger of losing your child or children, financial crisis, or loss of the family property, the right family lawyer makes the difference in your case. Family law attorney, Christopher Christiansen, has been practicing family law since 2013 and encourages all his clients to seek amicable resolutions through negotiation but is always ready to aggressively represent his client’s interests in court if necessary.

We handle every case with compassion while aggressively protecting your rights. Although those may seem contradictory, we know it’s critical to find a balance between the two. Our Family Law Attorney in Flagstaff, Arizona, consistently helps clients achieve their desired goals. We represent individuals in and around Flagstaff, Arizona who are looking to resolve family law matters like divorce, child custody, child support & more. If you are working through a similar process, it’s important to work with a lawyer who can help protect your rights at every step of the process. If you are interested in discussing your legal options, please schedule an initial consultation appointment.

Family Law Matters We Can Help You Resolve

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Estate Planning Law

Estate planning involves making preparations, including appointing guardians for any minor children you may have. Besides preserving wealth for your family, estate planning helps avoids unnecessary family conflicts.

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Child Support

Arizona utilizes predetermined guidelines to define child support amounts for establishment and modifications. Our family law attorney are experienced in uncovering hidden income and assets when there are issues surrounding rental income, self-employment, commission, bonuses, and other types of income.

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Divorce is a difficult time for you, your children, and your former spouse. Even where you are sure about your decision, you still need to deal with many complicated issues, including child support and custody, spousal support, and property division and an experienced family law attorney will be invaluable at these times.

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Family Law

In addition to helping parents obtain suitable custody and visitation plans, our family law firm provides legal representation in spousal support cases. If you are involved in a spousal support dispute or need guidance in order to obtain or enforce a child support order, our family law attorney will provide strategic legal counsel and strive for the fairest option.

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Child Custody

A child custody dispute can be the most important legal case a person ever faces. As any parent knows, time with one’s child is invaluable, and it is something that you cannot get back once it passes. Our family law attorney are prepared to help you achieve a child custody agreement that meets your needs and those of your child.

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Whether you are bringing in a new family member or adopting a stepchild, the legal process can be confusing and tedious. Our family law lawyer welcomes the joyous challenge and works diligently to make the process a smooth transition into your new family.

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Family Law Attorney Near You